Welcome to the Lyndrian website. On this website you will find information on the Lyndrian online presence as well as pages on various game topics such as tutorials updates and facts.

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Tutorial Videos

Lyndrian makes tutorial videos on YouTube. These videos are ​specifically crafted to keep a regulated style for each video in the main production. The main production can be distinguished by the green outline on the thumbnails. There’s a second production line which is the obscure lineup of tutorials which has custom thumbnails to the subject shown. 

Photography & Art

You can find various types of images in the Lyndrian media corner. These images range from photography of structures, plants, landscapes and animals. You can find abstract art on Lyndrian as well; these media are used as background pictures or as wallpapers. 


On Lyndrian you can find released music. This music is electronic and abstract, which is used to create a story throughout the track.