Minecraft 25w09a is a Minecraft Java snapshot that added a few new features to the game. These new features were more Bedrock parity, small tweaks and bug fixes.
The Minecraft Java 25w09a snapshot added fallen trees to the game, made leaf litter removable by placing a block on it and changed how the firefly bush spawns.
Fallen trees now spawns the the oak, birch, jungle, spruce variants.
The firefly bush now spawns near Mangrove Swamps and a bit more rarely Badlands.
Leaf litter can now be removed by playing a block on top of it. So this means if you place a block on a leaf litter block it will be removed and replaced by the block without dropping anything.
Video made by Lyndrian, here's a video that goes trough the new changes in the Minecraft 25w09a snapshot.